Monday, May 4, 2009


Tonight mom shared the events of their day in Port Wentworth. She said Aunt Helen had been agitated all day, worried about Bennie.

Bennie is Aunt Helen's oldest son. She married his father, and his father died before he was born. When Bennie was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, so he was born mentally retarded. After he was born, Aunt Helen was courted by another Rollins brother, named Walter. They married and raised Bennie, along with five other children.

Bennie has remained with his mother most of his life. To this day, he's been his mother's strength, while she's been his memory. It's been an arrangement few would be able to manage as long as they have.

And today, she wanted to know what would come of him. Earlier in the week, the family gathered him up and took him to a cousin's house for the day, so he could have a break from all the things being done to his mom. He spent the day raking in the yard, because like many of his uncles and brothers, being outside is one of his favorite things. When he finished this chore, his cousins gave him some money. He declared that he wanted to buy something for his mother. So they took him shopping, and he got her a rose. When he took it to her, she was so proud of him, she told him over and over again. And with that, Bennie was packed up and taken to his sister's house.

And today, Aunt Helen wanted to make sure all was well. So they called Bennie, and put him on speakerphone. And he told his mom that he'd been to the beach today. He told her he was doing great and was having a great time with his favorite brother-in-law. He told her she should rest. He told her she should go on to be with his dad. I'm sure he meant both of them - the dad he knew all his life, and the dad he never met.

According to mom, Aunt Helen hasn't been very alert the last 24 hours, but when she heard Bennie speak, she relaxed, and has not been restless since.

What more is there to say?


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