I've missed Colorado a lot recently. So today, since I had the day off, I spent some time in the North Georgia mountains. I hauled the dogs with me from Blue Ridge to Blairsville. We tried to get to the top of Brasstown Bald, but I think it was too much for my tires.
The colors were a little past peak. And while the train depot to the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway was packed (I had missed the departure by about 30 minutes), the town wasn't really buzzing. Later in the month, weather permitting, I'll be able to ride the train with my parents. Today, dogs in tow, wasn't the day.
Mollie loved the ride up there. Petey, as always, was stoic about the whole thing. I put him in the back; he stays in the back. Mollie bounced from the front seat to the back seat to the cargo area like a rabbit. By the end of the ride, she was asleep in the back. Right now she is stretched out on my foot, apparently paralyzed.
Me? The trip didn't help me miss Colorado any less. I guess it helped focus me, to do whatever I could to get back there as soon as possible.
You may miss Colorado but you've got a good thing going there in north Georgia. You've got hardwoods, more colors, taller trees, real moisture, and older mountains!
I'm headed to north Florida next week and look forward to rambling around the southern part of your Peach state.
Nice picture!
You're so cute, calling it real moisture, Peter. But here, we know its true name is Humidity.
Enjoy your travels. I hope the weather holds out for you. It's lovely here Right This Minute (tm).
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