Thursday, November 26, 2009

thankful things

I have a bulletin board on my kitchen wall, where most people put notes and phone numbers. I have a list of, well, affirmations if you will. This is what it says:
  • I will pay off my debt
  • I will finish bootcamp
  • I will remodel my backyard
  • I will move to Colorado
  • I will become a store owner
Well, minus the first one. I just scratched that out. So, normally this is something only a select group of people see or pay attention to. But I didn't erase while I was doing my regular cleaning for company. I've had the week off and my parents came for a visit. Because of this, my aunts and uncle and many of their kids stopped in on Sunday. I'm thankful they visited. All 10 adults and 6 children. I'm VERY thankful they visited for one day.

Well, by the time I noticed, at least two of my cousins had read my affirmations and commented on them. Now normally, I'd regret having my personal business discussed by my family. This week, it just made it feel normal. Yes, it's normal that Laura would have plans.

This week, I've had the opportunity to walk around the block every day with my mom holding my hand for balance. We grab the dogs and go. Two years ago she had a quadruple bypass, and today we made a Thanksgiving meal together. I'm thankful for that.

My dad spent a few hours in the ER this holiday, getting his leg checked out. And as we came out, he got me a cup from McDonalds. I'm thankful for his thoughtfulness.

And for my final thought, I'm thankful that I have direction for the future. I have new resources I didn't have before that debt was paid off. I have investments I need to make in myself, things I've put off for a while. But with the help of friends and family, I'm going to succeed.



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