Saturday, January 9, 2010

meanwhile, observations about southern snow

Around here, we aren't used to lingering cold weather. Lingering heat, yeah sure. It can go weeks at a time where it's so hot you want to shoot yourself, where the contemplation of the walk from the parking lot to the air conditioned office makes your thighs sweat.
But here, when it snows, the sunlight is supposed to kill it.
Not this week. It snowed Friday and it's still here today. It will probably be here tomorrow too. On Thursday and Friday, the store was out of cheap bread, milk and beer. I missed that, but friends sent cell phone pictures. Today, I am the beeotch who scored the last 2 boxes of sugar free cocoa. If you shop at the Kroger on Floyd Road, well, it sucks to be you. I will loan you a packet, I probably didn't need 2 boxes.
So, observations about southern snow. First, it always involves ice, so I have to take issue with all my new colleagues from Minnesota who think we're idiots. Sure, it's not snow stacked to the rooftops, but driving in it is challenging, okay? For example: ice and curves. For example: ice and hills. For example: ice and brakes. I've done fine with it. Great, in fact. But it's slippery, so be quiet if your snow never melts until April. I don't want to hear your lip.
Second, schedules go in the toilet when it snows. For example, I have no idea when the trash will be picked up again. Normally, if your trash day falls on a holiday, which mine has the last 2 weeks, they pick up the next day. It gets straight the following week. Well, not this week. Not last week. Not the week prior to that. My trash can is full. I'm glad it hasn't been hot. They may have forgotten us. It gives you a mildly disconnected feeling. Well, as disconnected as you can be about trash, I suppose.
Third, when your sinuses clog up, and they will, Burt's Bees chapstick gives off a pleasant soothiness (my word) that opens you up again. It's like Vick's Vapor Rub, only your tah tahs don't get sticky.
Forth, and I can't stress this enough: dressing in layers really does work. You'd never believe it, but it's absolutely true.
Fifth, birds are slower and easier to photograph in the cold weather. Note to self: remember to close the kitchen door when trying to get a picture of the male Ruby Crowned Kinglet with the actual ruby crown. Otherwise, the dogs get out.
Sixth, dogs also get slower in cold weather.
It's a Good Thing.


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