Monday, November 15, 2010

post mortem

And here I am again.
The past few weeks have been a wonderfully busy time for me. Let me catch you up.
First. Welcome back, dad, to the land of the living. I got a call from dad the day he was released and back in his own home. You know those people who escaped from the Nazi concentration camps? I think they might have sounded like him. I know he is facing each day and there are still struggles. I think there's going to be cheering in the cove when he is able to walk to his second neighbor's mailbox. But right now, he's getting to his first neighbor's mailbox. You start somewhere, don't you? Go, dad.
Did I mention how much I enjoyed my visit to Colorado? It was short, which made it convenient and relatively inexpensive. The weather was outstanding. The highlight, however, was meeting new people who were genuinely hospitable and authentic. It was really nice to land and have a specific destination, one that didn't require a plastic key card.
When I got home, I got a Sibley guide. And if I ask, I know Connie will tell me again which birding magazines she recommends.
So, a few weeks have passed now. I have a good handle on what I walked away with after this trip. My next moves aren't clear to me. My timeline isn't clear either. But while I'm here, I still have work. The bridge I'm building to my next destination begins on this side. I've got a lot of learning left to do.
Next, I will tell you about my latest birding trip. In this timezone. For now.


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